Accorian – PPC


Accorian empowers businesses with secure risk management and compliance programs, backed by cybersecurity and technological expertise. They specialize in safeguarding enterprises of all sizes in the digital age.

Challenge Accorian needed to expand further in its market of SMEs, targeting businesses with 15-500 employees. The challenge was to locate these companies at the right stage in their lifecycle using PPC strategies.

Where Kings Crest Global Comes In Kings Crest Global developed a targeted PPC campaign tailored to Accorian's unique needs. This included:

  • In-depth A/B testing to refine messaging and tactics.
  • Designing geo-specific landing pages and selecting pertinent keywords.
  • Analyzing and optimizing campaigns based on detailed technical insights.
  • Continuous improvement driven by data analysis.

Marketing Collateral
We began with creating an outline for the structural aspect of the pitch deck and worked collaboratively with the client to define necessary elements to include. As the project evolved organically, the design team was able to use their expertise to add their visual touch, based on extensive research and client feedback.

An important aspect of the project for AdLarge was learning how to take their beautifully presented pitch deck and transform it into an actionable sales tool. This required defining their strategic goals and learning how to find a way to communicate their message authentically.


  • Enhanced ROI: Accorian saw a 4X return on investment in the first year.
  • Organic Traffic Growth: A significant increase in organic traffic complemented the PPC-driven leads.
  • Adaptive Strategy: Ongoing testing and adaptation of strategies led to sustained growth and improved targeting.

“Our partnership with Kings Crest Global has resulted in 4x ROI on PPC in the first year. Their responsiveness and dedication to providing in-depth data and practical recommendations have been exceptional. A notable instance was their swift action in resolving a critical issue while I was traveling. We started receiving thousands of spam emails, and KCG found and resolved the issue within 1 hour, showcasing their speed and reliability. Their approach has supported our continued success.”
Premal Parikh Founder and CEO